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Seven fresh suggestions for practical parenting

1. Establish a schedule for your child that includes set times for family time, playtime, and homework.

A Family time


Homework Time

Here is a sample schedule for a child that includes set times for family time, playtime, and homework:

Time | Activity


6:00 AM | Wake up, get ready for school

7:00 AM | Eat breakfast

7:30 AM | Leave for school

3:00 PM | Arrive home from school

3:30 PM | Snack

4:00 PM | Homework

5:30 PM | Family dinner

6:30 PM | Playtime

8:00 PM | Bedtime

This is just a sample schedule, and you may need to adjust it to fit your child's individual needs and preferences. For example, if your child has a lot of homework, you may need to increase the amount of time they spend on homework each day. Or, if your child is involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, you may need to adjust the times for family dinner and playtime.

It is important to be flexible with the schedule and to allow for changes as needed. For example, if your child has a bad day at school, they may need some extra time to relax and unwind before they can start their homework. Or, if your family has plans on the weekend, you may need to adjust the times for family dinner and playtime.

The most important thing is to create a schedule that works for your child and your family. By sticking to a schedule, you can help your child develop good habits and make the most of their time.

Here are some additional tips for creating a successful schedule for your child:

· Involve your child in the planning process. This will help them feel more ownership over the schedule and make them more likely to stick to it.

· Be realistic about the amount of time your child can spend on each activity. Don't try to cram too much into one day, or your child will quickly become overwhelmed.

· Be flexible. Things don't always go according to plan, so be prepared to make changes as needed.

· Reward your child for sticking to the schedule. This will help them stay motivated and make them more likely to continue following the schedule in the future.

2. Promote independence in your child by assigning them age-appropriate household chores.

Here are some tips on how to promote independence in your child by assigning them age-appropriate household chores:

  • Start young. The earlier you start assigning chores, the more likely your child is to develop a sense of responsibility and independence. Even toddlers can help with simple tasks like putting away toys or setting the table.

  • Make it fun. Chores don't have to be boring. Find ways to make them fun for your child, such as turning them into a game or letting them choose which chores they want to do.

  • Be patient. It takes time for kids to learn how to do chores properly. Don't get frustrated if your child doesn't do a perfect job at first. Just keep practicing and they'll eventually get the hang of it.

  • Be positive. When your child does a chore well, be sure to praise them. This will help them feel good about themselves and make them more likely to want to do chores in the future.

  • Make it a family affair. Chores should be something that everyone in the family does, not just the kids. This will help your child learn that everyone has a role to play in keeping the household running smoothly.

Here are some age-appropriate chores for children:

  • Toddlers (2-3 years old): Putting away toys, setting the table, putting dirty clothes in the hamper.

  • Preschoolers (3-5 years old): Making their bed, cleaning up spills, dusting low surfaces.

  • School-aged children (6-12 years old): Taking out the trash, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes.

  • Teenagers (13-18 years old): Making their own bed, doing their own laundry, cooking meals, cleaning their room.

By assigning age-appropriate chores to your child, you can help them develop independence, responsibility, and life skills. These are all important qualities that will help them succeed in life.

3. Hold regular family gatherings to instill in your child the value of openness and honesty.

here are some tips on how to hold regular family gatherings to instill in your child the value of openness and honesty:

  • Make it a regular event. Set a standard time and place for family gatherings, so that your child knows to expect them. This will help them feel comfortable opening up to you and their other family members.

  • Make it a safe space. Let your child know that they can talk to you about anything, without fear of judgment or punishment. This will help them feel safe and secure, and more likely to be honest with you.

  • Be a good listener. When your child talks to you, listen to what they say. Don't interrupt, and don't offer advice unless they ask for it. Just listen and let them know that you're there for them.

  • Be honest with your child. Children learn by example, so it's important, to be honest with them. This doesn't mean that you have to share every detail of your life with them, but it does mean that you should be truthful when they ask you questions.

  • Encourage open communication. Encourage your child to talk to you and their other family members about their feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This will help them develop the skills they need to be open and honest with others.

  • Set a good example. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives, so it's important to set a good example of openness and honesty. This means being honest with your spouse, your friends, and your co-workers. It also means being willing to admit when you're wrong and being willing to apologize.

By following these tips, you can help create a family environment where your child feels safe and comfortable being open and honest. This will be a valuable asset to them throughout their lives.

Here are some additional tips for holding regular family gatherings:

  • Make the gatherings fun and enjoyable. This will help your child look forward to them and be more likely to open up.

  • Vary the activities. Don't just do the same thing every time. Try different activities, such as playing games, going on outings, or just talking.

  • Make sure everyone is included. Don't let anyone feel left out. Make sure everyone has a chance to participate and share their thoughts.

  • Be patient. It takes time to build trust and openness. Don't get discouraged if your child doesn't open up right away. Just keep being patient and supportive, and they'll eventually come around.

By following these tips, you can help create regular family gatherings that are fun, enjoyable, and supportive. This will help your child develop the skills they need to be open and honest with you and their other family members.

4. Establish rules and punishments for your child's misbehavior, but don't forget to acknowledge and reward excellent conduct as well.

Yes, it is important to establish rules and punishments for your child's misbehavior, but it is also important to acknowledge and reward excellent conduct. This will help your child learn what is expected of them and what they can do to earn positive attention. Here are some tips for acknowledging and rewarding excellent conduct:

  • Be specific. Don't just say "Good job." Tell your child exactly what they did that you liked. For example, you could say "I really appreciate the way you helped your sister with her homework today."

  • Be timely. Reward your child as soon as possible after they have done something good. This will help them make the connection between their behavior and the positive consequences.

  • Be consistent. If you want your child to learn that good behavior is rewarded, you need to be consistent with your rewards. Don't just reward your child sometimes. Reward them every time they do something good.

  • Make the rewards meaningful. The rewards you give your child should be something that they value. This could be anything from a special privilege to a small toy.

Here are some examples of rewards you could give your child for good behavior:

  • A special privilege, such as watching an extra TV show or staying up later.

  • A small toy or gift.

  • A positive comment or compliment.

  • A hug or kiss.

By following these tips, you can help your child learn that good behavior is rewarded. This will help them develop positive habits and behaviors that will benefit them throughout their lives. Here are some additional tips for establishing rules and punishments for your child's misbehavior:

  • Make the rules clear and concise. Your child should be able to understand the rules and what the consequences are for breaking them.

  • Be consistent with the rules. If you don't enforce the rules consistently, your child will learn that they can get away with breaking them.

  • Be fair. The punishments should be fair and appropriate for the misbehavior.

  • Explain the reasons for the rules and punishments. This will help your child understand why they are in place and why they are important.

  • Be patient. It takes time for children to learn how to follow rules and behave appropriately. Don't get discouraged if your child doesn't get it right away. Just keep being patient and consistent, and they will eventually learn.

By following these tips, you can help your child learn how to follow rules and behave appropriately. This will help them develop into responsible and well-behaved adults. 5. Encourage your child to think about the emotions and viewpoints of others to help them develop empathy.

Here are some tips on how to encourage your child to think about the emotions and viewpoints of others to help them develop empathy:

  • Talk about emotions. Help your child learn to identify and understand their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Talk about how different emotions make people feel and how they can express their emotions in healthy ways.

  • Read stories about empathy. There are many great children's books that focus on empathy. These books can help your child learn how to see things from another person's perspective and how to respond to others in a caring and compassionate way.

  • Play pretend. Pretend play is a great way for children to learn about empathy. When they play pretend, they are able to take on the role of someone else and see the world from that person's perspective. This can help them develop a better understanding of how others feel and how to respond to them in a caring way.

  • Ask questions. When you are interacting with your child, ask them questions about how they think other people are feeling. For example, you could ask "How do you think your friend feels when you take their toy?" or "How do you think the teacher feels when you don't listen in class?"

  • Model empathy. The best way to teach your child empathy is to model it yourself. When you are interacting with others, show your child how you can be understanding and compassionate. This will help them learn how to behave in a similar way.

Here are some additional tips for encouraging your child to think about the emotions and viewpoints of others:

  • Talk about different cultures and perspectives. Help your child learn about different cultures and how people from different cultures may have different viewpoints. This can help them develop a greater understanding of others and how to be more empathetic.

  • Help your child volunteer or help others in need. Volunteering or helping others in need is a great way for children to learn about empathy. When they see how their actions can make a difference in the lives of others, they will develop a greater sense of compassion and understanding.

  • Talk about difficult topics. Don't shy away from talking about difficult topics with your child. These topics may include death, divorce, or other challenging experiences. Talking about these topics can help your child develop empathy and learn how to deal with difficult emotions.

By following these tips, you can help your child develop empathy. Empathy is an important skill that will help them throughout their lives.

6. While simultaneously being available to support and mentor them, encourage your child to attempt new things and take chances.

how to encourage your child to attempt new things and take chances while simultaneously being available to support and mentor them:

  • Talk to your child about the importance of trying new things. Explain how trying new things can help them learn and grow, and how it can lead to new and exciting experiences.

  • Model risk-taking behavior yourself. Show your child that you are not afraid to try new things and that you are willing to take risks. This will help them feel more comfortable taking risks themselves.

  • Start small. Don't expect your child to jump into something completely new and challenging right away. Start with small, manageable risks, and gradually increase the difficulty as your child gains confidence.

  • Be supportive and encouraging. When your child tries something new, be there to support them and offer encouragement. Let them know that you believe in them and that you are there to help them if they need it.

  • Don't be too critical. If your child doesn't succeed at something new right away, don't be too critical. Just offer them some constructive feedback, and encourage them to keep trying.

  • Celebrate successes. When your child does succeed at something new, be sure to celebrate their success. This will help them feel good about themselves, and it will encourage them to keep taking risks in the future.

Here are some additional tips for encouraging your child to attempt new things and take chances:

  • Find activities that your child is interested in and that they are good at. This will make them more likely to want to try new things related to those activities.

  • Expose your child to new experiences. Take them to new places, introduce them to new people, and let them try new things. This will help them expand their horizons and become more comfortable with new situations.

  • Talk about your own experiences with trying new things. Share stories about times when you tried something new and it was a success or a time when you tried something new and it didn't go so well. This will help your child learn from your experiences and see that it's okay to fail sometimes.

By following these tips, you can help your child develop the confidence to try new things and take chances. This is an important skill that will help them throughout their lives.

7. Show your child how to practice healthy behaviors like exercise, a balanced diet, and self-care.

Here are some tips on how to show your child how to practice healthy behaviors like exercise, a balanced diet, and self-care:

  • Be a role model. The best way to teach your child healthy behaviors is to model them yourself. If you want your child to eat healthy foods, make sure you are eating healthy foods yourself. If you want your child to get regular exercise, make sure you are getting regular exercise yourself.

  • Make healthy choices easy. Make sure healthy foods are always available in your home. Stock your fridge and pantry with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks.

  • Involve your child in meal planning and preparation. This will help them learn about healthy foods and how to prepare them. Let them help you choose recipes, shop for groceries, and cook meals.

  • Make exercise fun. There are many ways to make exercise fun for kids. You could go for walks, bike rides, or hikes together. You could play active games like tag or basketball. You could even sign your child up for a sports team or dance class.

  • Talk to your child about the importance of self-care. Explain how self-care can help them feel good physically and emotionally. This includes things like getting enough sleep, taking breaks, and doing things they enjoy.

  • Set a good example. If you want your child to take care of themselves, make sure you are taking care of yourself. This includes things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly.

Here are some additional tips for showing your child how to practice healthy behaviors:

  • Be patient. It takes time for kids to develop healthy habits. Don't get discouraged if your child doesn't make healthy choices all the time. Just keep offering them healthy options and modeling healthy behaviors, and eventually, they will get the hang of it.

  • Be positive. When your child makes healthy choices, be sure to praise them. This will help them feel good about themselves and encourage them to continue making healthy choices in the future.

  • Don't be too strict. If your child doesn't want to eat healthy food or go for a walk, don't force them. Just offer them the healthy option and let them make their own decision.

  • Be flexible. There will be times when you can't make healthy choices, such as when you're traveling or eating out. Just do your best to make healthy choices as often as possible.

By following these tips, you can help your child develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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